Hello peeps!
Please be sure to link me back if you ever, ever wanna quote/copy/share stuff from my blog.
Copycats are not COOL! grrr
And for those who hate me can just scram and get the hell out of my page, redirect yourself, please and thank you!
And for those who wish to stay, feel free to leave a comment in my c-box and do enjoy reading! :) XOXO♥
My Profile. ♥
Hey, read this! ♥
1. The name's Ho Li Fen but hey, please call me Lifen :) Not in any funny way though, it pisses me off sometimes.
2. I'm born on, *080692* ; and yeappp, I'm the typical Gemini, mouthy and talkative!
3. Even though I look like I'm 15 but mind you, I'm old enough to drive :D
4. This handsome guy made me understood I could do whatever I want, as long as it makes me happy ♥
5. I'm striving in my university now. Trying to find a balance between my future career and my interests. FML, I hate growing up!
6. I'm getting tired of rumors, hypocrites, pressure, haters, backstabbers & people who take me for granted.
7. I love chocolate but I hate the fact that it triggers my migraine attacks :(
8. I'm a lazy pig but I hate procrastinating as well. FML, again!
9. I wanna enjoy life as it is but obviously reality doesn't allow that. So, like, wtf, FML again.. = =
10. My blog is my space to rant. It's random crap I feel about my life, love it or hate it, it's your business.
Anyhow, you can always trash in my chatbox if you really hate me that much/love me so much :)
For the past few months, a lot of things have happened. Many things changed. These changes will have to slowly takes it own place and pace before everyone understands what the hell is going on.
Before this, I felt like living in a canary's cage, singing desperately and fluttering within it. My visions were shortened, my dreams were let down. But now, I finally feel so alive again. I feel like the girl that I used to be, having too much fun, making so many friends. That's how it was supposed to be.
The most recent me :)
I'm not an anti-socialist, I don't want to pretend I don't know my friends. I want to embrace them with my friendship every moment possible. Friends and family are supposed to be the ones who enrich our lives and brighten our days, especially during the crucial period in university. After graduating from this dead place, we won't have the chance to party together like this anymore!
I want to cherish all the moments I spend before I have to grow up. I still have time but it is so limited and scarce. I don't want to miss any special or happy moments with my loved ones anymore. I sincerely thank all the people who made me so much happier within this period of time. I appreciate the joy and laughter you crazy people showered me in. LOTS OF LOVE ♥ TO YOU MY FRIENDS!
LEO Buddies ♥
Crazy People I Love ♥
My Cute Coursemate :)
My Forever Supportive and Party-Ready Hometown friends :)
My family ♥
Anyways, I'm in the middle of my Finals now and I'm caught up procrastinating again. I want to concentrate very badly but my heart is already in Pulau Redang and my new apartment ♥ I still have my Financial Accounting 2 paper and Introduction to Financial Planning. And yes, unfortunately, I need to take both the shitty papers on the same day. And what's worse is that I already foresee that I'm going to screw these papers up because of my freakishly low coursework marks. I can pass, but I won't be able to maintain my CGPA anymore. But who cares, it wasn't my fault that I have no potential in being an accountant.
Will be back soon with even more awesome pictures after my finals :D
Posted by lifen♔ at 5/01/2012 12:37:00 PM 0 comments»